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Arshad Mahmood

Abstract: Customer Relationship Management (CRM) observes clients as an important asset of an group and maintaining client connection is the main procedure of a business. This study aims to comprehend and evaluate the role of Customer Relationship Management in E-business. Prescriptive analysis has been used to comprehend the underlying relationship between the selected phenomena. The major findings of the study are four folds; initially, E-Business Management Customer Relationship Management (CRM) purposes can be shared into Different groups such as price redeemable, income improvement, and planned influence objects. On the other hand, person’s objects are not very comprehensive; in its place Electronic professional groups view Customer Relationship Management objects as a part of their everyday effort. Another Electronic business group’s distillate in third parts once handling their client relations such as placing into practice, creativities, and network administration. Thirdly, Electronic business organizations assess the efficiency of their Client Relationship Management in four areas such as client information, client communiqué, client cost, and client gratification. Finally, E-business groups reflect better client gratification charges and creating contacts with clients to be very significant. Keywords: Customer relationship management, E-Business, prescriptive analysis.

Building Ethics in Public Administration-A Comprehensive Review

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Hezam M. Almutairi and Arshad Mahmood*

Abstract: The current world has seen an increase in interest in the areas related to the ethics of the sovereign good. A number of studies have focused on this subject matter and several academicians. They have exposed a number of ethical and philosophical dilemmas related to the concept of ethics in public administration. Despite the increasing number of studies that have focused on the importance of administrative ethics, there has been very little effort spent on identifying what exactly constitutes the crux of ethics in administration. The objective of this paper is to review the implications of the basic factors of ethics for public-administration in the context of new public-governance. It also discusses their impact on different administration imperatives which in turn act as the determinants of ethics in public-administration. Apart from this various ethical and public administration models have been proposed and discussed. This review also focuses on the importance of ethics in new governance practices with reference to the push and pull of ethics and administration. It also focuses on how ethics mindsets and basic methods to management and administration can be reviewed under the umbrella of ethics. Keywords: Public Administration, A Comprehensive Review.

Effects of Dietary Thyme Leaf on Broiler Growth Performances, Carcass Characteristics and Cooking Yield of the Meat

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Abstract: The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary thyme leaf on broiler growth performance, carcass characteristics and cooking yield of the meat. Eighty day-old mixed sex broiler chicks used in this study were fed commercial diet for four weeks before been randomly assigned to four treatments of two replicates with ten birds per replicate and fed experimental diets for four weeks before slaughtering. Results showed that dietary thyme leaf exert no significant effect (P>0.05) on the growth performance, weights of primal parts and internal offals of broilers. No significant difference (P>0.05) was observed on the cooking yield and cooking loss of the tested broiler meat. This result suggests that thyme leaf is not a growth promoter. However it did not exert any deleterious effect on the tested animals. Keywords: Thyme leaf, growth performance, carcass characteristics, cooking yield.


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Abstract: This study aims at comparing two histological techniques for the demonstration of invasive ductal carcinoma. Method: Haematoxylin and Eosin technique and methyl green pyronin staining techniques were exploited. Methyl green pyronin (MGP) stain was prepared at various concentrations, pH and applied for different lengths of time on 5 micrometer thick sections of the breast tissue diagnosed to have invasive ductal carcinoma. Haematoxylin and Eosin (H & E) stain was used as control on the same tissue. All the stained sections were examined microscopically. Result: The MGP stained sections showed a well demonstrated irregular duct – like spaces and long narrow cords off similar cells but poorly demonstrated malignant cells. The fibrous stroma infiltrated with lymphocytes was partially demonstrated like in H & E stained tissue. Decreasing concentration of MGP stain gave poorer demonstration of the various diagnostic features of invasive ductal carcinoma. At pH 2.0, diagnostic features of invasive ductal carcinoma were generally well demonstrated, while beyond neutral pH, all diagnostic features were poorly demonstrated. Duration of treatment did not affect the staining reaction with MGP. Keywords: Methyl Green Pyronin, Nuclear Stain, Haematoxyli, Eosin Staining Technique , Carcinoma.

Timing of Shifts in Phenological Events in Rhododendron arboreum Smith. Influenced by Climatic Irregularities in Kumaun Regions of Central Himalaya

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Shruti Shah*, Arti Verma and Ashish Tewari

Abstract: Plants and animals exhibit seasonal patterns in their activities because there is a clear seasonality in the suitability of their environment, there is often only a limited period in the year when conditions are favorable enough to successfully reproduce and grow. If reproduction or growth takes place outside this window of favorable conditions, there are often large fitness consequences. Present study was carried out to study the effect of climatic irregularities on Rhododendron arboreun Smith., an important under canopy species of central Himalaya. The significant changes were observed in flowering initiation and capsule maturation. The results showed that the flowering in R. arboreum was 15 days earlier than the previously reported time. However, no major variation in the time of peak flowering time was observed. Besides this there were no major variations in other phenophases. From the present study it appears that these shifts in phenophases are irregular and sporadic phenomena’s and generated by the temperature and rainfall pattern of that particular year. Long term studies are required to provide evidences that theses shifts in phenological activities will be long lasting. Keywords: Phenophases, Climatic irregularities, Leaf drop, Leaf flushing, Capsule maturation.